Ashley Junghans-Rutelonis Ph.D., L.P

Licensed Clinical Psychologist


Dr. Ashley Junghans-Rutelonis, PhD, LP is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Minnesota. She is able to serve clients in 35 states. Her private practice focuses on the mental health needs of women in their personal and professional lives. In her individual work, she partners with women as they move towards their values and learn how these values can shape their lives. She encourages positive forward momentum while also creating space to breathe and confide.

As an evidenced-based clinician, Dr. Junghans-Rutelonis uses an individualized approached to help clients identify intrinsic motivation (or their "why"), learn new skills, and then move forward using their strengths. Ultimately, she is there to support women as they determine how to be active participants in their own lives.

Her practice includes three areas of expertise: therapy, assessment, and coaching.

Therapy: $225/intake session. $200/55 minute therapy session.

Assessment Pricing varies based on assessment type.

ADHD Coaching: $200/55 minute coaching session.

Currently accepting new clients via tel health or in person.
